Phoenix Operator API reference


Generally, the Phoneix Operator is a so-called Kubernetes Operator, which is ableextend the Kubernetes API, and also use it as a backend database. Therefor any API communication is done via the Kubernetes API rather than directly to Phoenix.

Moving Target Defense object

In the following you can find the custom resource definition of the “movingtargetdefense” object, along with the OpenAPI3 schema definition of the fields and types:


kind: CustomResourceDefinition


 annotations: v0.4.1




   strategy: None



   kind: MovingTargetDefense

   listKind: MovingTargetDefenseList

   plural: movingtargetdefenses

   singular: movingtargetdefense

 scope: Namespaced


 - name: v1alpha1



       description: MovingTargetDefense is the Schema for the





           description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of

this representation

             of an object. Servers should convert recognized

schemas to the latest

             internal value, and may reject unrecognized values.

More info:


           type: string


           description: 'Kind is a string value representing the

REST resource this

             object represents. Servers may infer this from the

endpoint the client

             submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase.

More info:


           type: string


           type: object


           description: MovingTargetDefenseSpec defines the desired

state of MovingTargetDefense



               description: Maximum size of terminated pods list

               minimum: 0

               type: integer



                 type: string

               description: PodSelector is the selector of a

Kubernetes Pods on which

                 the user desires to enable moving target defense

               type: object


               description: Define strategy to delete target pods



                   description: Define how to move the target after



                   - Delete

                   - Save

                   - Relabel

                   type: string


                   description: 'Define how to get the pods

lifetime. (can be a fix

                     time or a random generated) Constant: each pod

killed after

                     fix time SafeConstant: try to apply fix time,

but will wait

                     if other pod will be killed near that Random:

Kill pods after

                     random time between MinTime and MaxTime'


                   - Constant

                   - SafeConstant

                   - Random

                   - Cron

                   - Event

                   type: string


                   description: Define maximum lifetime of a pod.

(sec) Use only

                     if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Random`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer


                   description: Define minimum lifetime of a pod.

(sec) Use only

                     if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Random`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer



                     type: string

                   description: Specify new labels for pods if

Relabel actioan was


                   type: object


                   description: 'Cron type schedule expression.


                     Use only if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Cron`'

                   type: string


                   description: Define lifetime of a pod. (sec) Use

only if `LifetimeSrategy`

                     is `Constant` or `SafeConstant`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer


               - action

               - lifetimestrategy

               type: object


           - podSelector

           - strategy

           type: object


           description: MovingTargetDefenseStatus defines the

observed state of MovingTargetDefense



               description: Number of killed pod (useful when

history limit is reached

                 and len(deletedPod) != actualy deleted pod


               type: integer


               description: PodsTerminated is a counter that

represents the number

                 of Pods that was terminated by the operator


                 description: Structure to the watching pods



                     description: Time when pods need to kill

                     type: string


                     description: name of the pod

                     type: string


                     description: Relative kill time in seconds

                     type: string


                 - lifetime

                 - name

                 type: object

               type: array


               description: PodNames are list of Pods controlled by

the MTD operator


                 description: Structure to the watching pods



                     description: Time when pods need to kill

                     type: string


                     description: name of the pod

                     type: string


                     description: Relative kill time in seconds

                     type: string


                 - lifetime

                 - name

                 type: object

               type: array


           - killedPodCounter

           - podsTerminated

           - podsToWatch

           type: object

       type: object

   served: true

   storage: true


kind: CustomResourceDefinition


 annotations: v0.4.1




   strategy: None



   kind: MovingTargetDefense

   listKind: MovingTargetDefenseList

   plural: movingtargetdefenses

   singular: movingtargetdefense

 scope: Namespaced


 - name: v1alpha1



       description: MovingTargetDefense is the Schema for the





           description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of

this representation

             of an object. Servers should convert recognized

schemas to the latest

             internal value, and may reject unrecognized values.

More info:


           type: string


           description: 'Kind is a string value representing the

REST resource this

             object represents. Servers may infer this from the

endpoint the client

             submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase.

More info:


           type: string


           type: object


           description: MovingTargetDefenseSpec defines the desired

state of MovingTargetDefense



               description: Maximum size of terminated pods list

               minimum: 0

               type: integer



                 type: string

               description: PodSelector is the selector of a

Kubernetes Pods on which

                 the user desires to enable moving target defense

               type: object


               description: Define strategy to delete target pods



                   description: Define how to move the target after



                   - Delete

                   - Save

                   - Relabel

                   type: string


                   description: 'Define how to get the pods

lifetime. (can be a fix

                     time or a random generated) Constant: each pod

killed after

                     fix time SafeConstant: try to apply fix time,

but will wait

                     if other pod will be killed near that Random:

Kill pods after

                     random time between MinTime and MaxTime'


                   - Constant

                   - SafeConstant

                   - Random

                   - Cron

                   - Event

                   type: string


                   description: Define maximum lifetime of a pod.

(sec) Use only

                     if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Random`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer


                   description: Define minimum lifetime of a pod.

(sec) Use only

                     if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Random`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer



                     type: string

                   description: Specify new labels for pods if

Relabel actioan was


                   type: object


                   description: 'Cron type schedule expression.


                     Use only if `LifetimeSrategy` is `Cron`'

                   type: string


                   description: Define lifetime of a pod. (sec) Use

only if `LifetimeSrategy`

                     is `Constant` or `SafeConstant`

                   format: int32

                   minimum: 0

                   type: integer


               - action

               - lifetimestrategy

               type: object


           - podSelector

           - strategy

           type: object


           description: MovingTargetDefenseStatus defines the

observed state of MovingTargetDefense



               description: Number of killed pod (useful when

history limit is reached

                 and len(deletedPod) != actualy deleted pod


               type: integer


               description: PodsTerminated is a counter that

represents the number

                 of Pods that was terminated by the operator


                 description: Structure to the watching pods



                     description: Time when pods need to kill

                     type: string


                     description: name of the pod

                     type: string


                     description: Relative kill time in seconds

                     type: string


                 - lifetime

                 - name

                 type: object

               type: array


               description: PodNames are list of Pods controlled by

the MTD operator


                 description: Structure to the watching pods



                     description: Time when pods need to kill

                     type: string


                     description: name of the pod

                     type: string


                     description: Relative kill time in seconds

                     type: string


                 - lifetime

                 - name

                 type: object

               type: array


           - killedPodCounter

           - podsTerminated

           - podsToWatch

           type: object

       type: object

   served: true

   storage: true

Example for access an object

Accessing the standard Kubernetes API requires a service account that needs to be set before the connection, or for e.g. you can also use “kubectl proxy” if you
have kubectl set up. For the sake of simplicity, in this guide we will use the

“kubectl get –raw <api endpoint>”

for similar purpose.

You can query the existing moving target defence policies with the following command / API call:

kubectl get --raw /apis/

Similarly, if you want to create a new object, you can use the POST method. You also need the object definition in JSON (usually working with kubectl requires yaml files, but in the background objects are always converted to JSON). Here is simple example to rotate the nginx servers in the default namespace in every 300 seconds (let’s name to mtd.json):

"apiVersion": "",
"kind": "MovingTargetDefense",
"metadata": {
"name": "nginx-mtd",
"namespace": "default"
"spec": {
"podSelector": {
"app": "nginx"
"historyLenght": 5,
"strategy": {
"lifetimestrategy": "Constant",
"time": 300,
"action": "Delete"

Assuming you have “kubectl proxy” enabled on port 8001, the following curl command will create the object:

curl -X POST -d @mtd.json -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8001/apis/


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